Harold Meeks

SQ Inside Team

Since first becoming involved at the San Quentin Media Center in 2014 as a photographer, Harold has been developing the skills for a successful career post incarceration. He credits the Media Center for teaching him to network and providing access to industry standard software, enabling him to become proficient on Avid Pro Tools, Final Cut Pro and Davinci Resolve. Since 2016, Harold has worked alongside producer David Jassy on the San Quentin Mixtapes as a production assistant, photographer and mentor. He is currently a teaching assistant for the Audio Video Production Department for the job training program The Last Mile and volunteers his time to mentor at-risk youth through a diversion program called SQUIRES, which brings young men into San Quentin to meet with incarcerated adults. “My personal growth has given me the ability to give back and help others.” he says, “by showing them that they can make healthy choices.”